Berlena Spencer-Staton had a recent conversation with Stan about starting Amprya. She seems excited.
[Berlena Spencer-Staton]
Stan, I mentioned before about the "walking pill". As you know it's been approved by FDA, and I did the form and my nuero faxed it to the company. I was given a prescription to have blood work done to check my kidney function, but luckily I had just had blood work done, and checking was kidney function was one of the test, and it was normal. Tel Drugs just called and they are processing my prescription and I should hear from them about delivery in a few days. I'm excited, and really hope it helps because I'm going on vacation next month. I'll keep you posted.
[Stan Swartz]
Is your insurance covering it? tell me more about it all!
[Berlena Spencer-Staton]
It is $1000 per month and it is covered by my insurance. As soon as it was approved, I received an e-mail from my doctor, I had to go to www.ampyra.com and print and fill out a form and fax it to her. She in turn sent it to the company, and I don't know the procedure the company itself does to approve it, but they contacted my doctor and Cigna Tel Drug and my doctor approved a 3 month supply at $18 per prescription,which is my co-pay. Here's the link Stan:
Stan can be contacted at http://www.facebook.com/StansAngels